about the not so plain jane brand
based in rural NSW australia, just outside wagga wagga, not so plain jane is a fun and quirky brand specialising in bespoke bags and accessories made from laminated fabric, faux cowhide, oilcloth and other unique fabrics that take our fancy. our creations are stylish, functional and above all very practical. our bags are designed to be re-used & you'll never need those one use plastic bags again. all the bags you need can be found at not so plain jane! you can learn about our fabrics here. fabulous for everyday, whether you are using it to grab a few things at the supermarket or taking it on a weekend away, you'll be amazed what you will be using your not so plain jane bag for! read all about us here or browse our gorgeous collections by clicking on the tab below. enjoy!
browse our collectionsnew arrivals!

large and XL bags
these bags are so useful! they are full to the brim with goodies from our local farmer's market. the green stripe is a large bag & the summer blue stripe (out of stock) is an XL bag. use them for anything you want not only groceries!
XL bags collectionnot so plain jane gift cards
hard to decide what to buy someone? make it easy by sending a gift voucher so they can choose their own personal gift.
gift cards

living in the country!
in keeping with our country theme, our gorgeous cheeky cockatoos bag is a hit in the big smoke! such a talking point! if you live in the city but are country through & through, these bags are for you!
see our collection here!fabulous laundry bags
these bags are so handy for kids at pre-school, day-care, boarding school or when they are at sleepovers so they can chuck everything in to bring home. great for travelling to keep all your dirty laundry in & fits snugly in your suitcase. fantastic for the pool; wet swimming towels, swimmers, goggles, caps etc can be put in it. great range of bright colours to choose from!
see collection

oilcloth tablecloths
new range of oilcloth tablecloths in stock! great tablecloth to use for any occasion. handy for kids parties or on the floor as a playmat. no worries with food or drink stains, just wipes right off. choose from the fabulous range of bright colours & designs, there is something for everyone!
oilcloth tablecloths